How to effectively answer questions in an interview?

Ajay Prem Shankar
2 min readJul 22, 2021

Do you know humans think in images? But we communicate in textual languages.

Now imagine this.
The interviewer asked you a question.
You have an answer (image) in mind.
You try to answer (text-based).
On the other hand, the interviewer is trying to make sense of your answer (trying to construct a picture from what you just spoke).

In nutshell: 🚌 -> Text -> 🚲

It is tough to make a picture out of textual data.
If the interviewer couldn’t complete the picture in their mind, rest assured you have not done a satisfactory job in explaining.

So always remember — Your goal is NOT to complete the answer that you have read. Your job is to finish the image in the interviewer’s mind.

You, as an interviewee, should structure the answer in such a way that it builds the image one element at a time, like an artist.
Pick one piece of the image you want to portray.
Draw this piece.
Repeat till the picture is complete.
Do NOT jump unless one piece is complete.

This technique might seem puzzling. However, I can vouch that with enough practice you’ll see tremendous results.

Remember the difference:
Show everything you know. ❌
Perfect the picture in the interviewer’s mind. ✅

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