How to become kick-ass at whatever you do.

Ajay Prem Shankar
3 min readDec 7, 2020

I have tried to compile very simple steps to become better at whatever you do. This article comes from my own personal experience and experimentation.

If you are not good at something, start practicing it.

When you see someone better at something. What thought follows? I might not ever become as good as her. Ask instead — will I be able as dedicated as her? It is not talent. It is not brain-power. There is just one and the only element to be good at something — practice, and it applies to every walk of life (well almost everything).

  • Do you want to write better? — practice.
  • Do you want to be a better human being? — practice.
  • Want to be good at loving someone? — practice.

Start small. Start now.

Don’t defend or argue if you are wrong.

We all have been wrong at one point or other and it is okay to be wrong, no seriously it is okay to not know something. It is an opportunity to learn something. Don’t let this opportunity go by trying to defend it. It can be personal relationships or work-related or even with random people. Be humble and accept that you messed up. Easiest way to turn enemies into friends is to accept your mistake.

We all make them, the difference is what we do after we make the mistake, how we see the mistake — a learning experience or a failure. — Catherine Pulsifer

How to get to work on the best things?

Many people I meet complain about not getting to work on better things and it frustrates them to the core. In my experience, you’ll not be gifted with the best work or the work you want. You’ll have to earn work by building a reputation. Let’s say you go to a saloon, will you let a trainee handle your hair? Many times, even leaders want best results. Show them you are capable of that.

Never assume.

This is true for every aspect of life. So what if you look dumb — ask questions, even if it is a very obvious one. Be it a relationship, business, or job. Never ever assume anything. I’m not saying it is an easy thing to do, our brains are wired to jump to conclusions. Listening and identifying what is said and what we was only deduced is the hardest part of any conversation.

Take rest if you are not able to solve something very simple.

When you’re stuck at something. The most irritating part might be that it is supposed to be easy but still, we’re not able to resolve it. It is certainly not because you’re not capable rather it is your brain’s way of telling you that it is tired. Listen to it, just take a rest, stay away from the screen. Listen to music, play a board game, take a walk, or take shower. Try it tomorrow morning. You’ll thank me.

Always get back when you say you’ll.

We are in a world where human interaction is reducing day by day. We need each other more than ever. Make a habit of getting back to people. It’s okay if you don’t have an answer. Let them know that.

There is one thing that freezes a musician more than the deadliest physical cold, and that is the spiritual chill of an unresponsive audience!

I’m sure you can relate. We all are victims as well as culprits. We all are humans. In this new world, it is easier to assume and harder to understand.

My trick is to use Slack remind me feature to get back to people:

My linkedIn:

